Sunday, February 28, 2010

AB (out of)

AB - the eleventh month of the civil year of the Hebrews. It corresponds to part of our June and July, and consists of 30 days. On the first of this month the Jews commemorate the death of Aaron by a fast: they fast also on the ninth, because on that day both the temple of Solo.mon and that erected after the captivity were burnt. The same day is also remarkable for the publication of Adrian's edict, prohibiting the Jews to look back, even when at a distance, upon Jerusalem, or to lament its desolation. The lamp of the sanctuary, in the time of Ahaz, was extinguished on the night of the 18th, for which reason the Jews fast that day. [See Astronomy division of time]

AB - in the Syriac calendar, is the name of the last summer month.

ABACOT- the name of an ancient cap of state worn by the kings of England, the upper part whereof was in the form of a double crown.

ABACTORES - or ABACTORS, a term for such as carry off or drive away a whole herd of cattle by stealth.

ABACTUS - an obsolete term, among physicians, for a miscarriage procured by art.

ABACUS - a table strewed over the dust or sand, upon which the ancient mathematicians drew their figures. It also signified a cupboard, or buffet.

ABACUS - in architecture, sigifies the superior part or member of the capital of a column, and serves as a kind of crowning to both. It was originally intended to represent a square tile covering a basket. The form of the abacus is not the same in all orders; in the Tulcan, Doric, and Ionic, it is generally square; but in the Corinthian and Composite, its four sides are arched inwards, and embellished in the middle with some ornament, as a rose or other flower. Scanmozzi uses abacus for a concave molding on the capital of the Tulcan pedestal; and Pallodio calls the plinth above the echinus or boultin, in the Tulcan and Doric orders, by the same name.

- is also the name of the ancient instrument for facilitating operations in arithmetic. It is variously contrived. That chiefly used in Europe is made by drawing any number of parallel lines at the distance of two diameters of the one of the counters used in the calculation. A counter placed on the lowest line, signifies 1; on the 2nd, 10; on the 3rd, 100; on the 4th, 1000, etc. In the intermediate spaces, the same counters are estimated at one half of the value of the line immediately superior, viz, between the 2nd and 3rd, 50, etc.

ABACUS - harmonicus, among musicians, the arrangement of the keys of a musical instrument.

ABACUS - logisticus, a right angled triangle, whole sides forming the right angle contain the numbers from 1 to 60, and its area the facta of every two of the numbers perpendicularly opposite. This is also called a canon of sexagesimals.

ABACUS - Pythagaricus, the multiplication table, or any table of numbers that facilitates operations in arithmetic.

ABADAN - a town of Persia, situated near the mouth of the Tygris.

ABADDON - from ahad, to destroy; a name given by St, John, in the Revelations, to the king of the locusts.

ABADIR - a title which the Carthaginians gave to gods of the first order. In the Roman mythology it is the name of the stone which Saturn swallowed, believing to be his new born son Jupiter; hence, it became the object of religious worship.

ABAERE - a town of the deserts of Arabia.

ABAFT - a sea term, signifying towards the stern; for instance, abaft the mizzen-mast, implies, that the object is between the mizzen mast and the stern.

ABAI - in botany, a synonime of the calycanthus praecox class of Linnaeus. [see CALYCANTHUS]

ABAS - a weight used in Persia for weighing pearls. It is 1-8th less than the European carat.

ABASCIA - the country of Alcas.

ABASSI or ABASSIS - a silver coin current in Persia, equivalent in value to a French livre, or tenpence half penny Sterling. It took its name from Schaw Abas II. king of Persia, under whom it was struck.

ABB - a term among clothiers, applied to the yarn of weaver's warp. They also say Abb-wool in the same sense.

ABBA - in the Syriac and Chaldee languages, literally signifies a father; and figuratively, a superior, reputed as a father in respect of age, dignity, or affection. It is also a Jewish title of honour given to some of the class called Tanaites.

ABBAT or ABBOT, a superior of an abbey or convent of minks. In the first ages of Christianity, the abbots were plain disinterested men, and lived contented with the government of their monasteries, which were generally erected in the most solitary parts; but being called from their deserts yo oppose the heresies in the church, they soon began to entertain sentiments of ambitions, and endeavored to shake off their dependency on the bishops. Hence arose the distinction of mitred abbots, crosiered abbots, ecumenical abbots, cardinal abbots etc. The principle distinction which subsists at present among abbots, is that of regular and comendatory, the former of which take the vow, and wear the habit of the order; the latter are seculars, though they are obliged to take orders at the proper age. Before the Reformation in England, there were abbots elective and representative; some mitred, and others not. The mitred abbots were invested and episcopal authority within ther own limits, independent of the bishop; but the other were subject to the diocesan in all spiritual government. The mitred abbots were Lords of parliament, of which number Sir Edwards Coke reckons 27, who sat in parliment, besides two Lords Priors.

ABBEFORD - a sea port town in Norway, in 58. 44 N lat.

ABBESS - the superior of an abbey or convent of nuns, over whom the has the same authority as the abbots over the monks. Their sex indeed hinders them from performing the spiritual functions; but in the 12th century there were abesses in Spain who gave benedictions, and confessed people of both sexes.

ABBEVILLE - a large city of Piccardy in France, lying 90 miles north of Paris, in 50. 7. N. lat. and 2. 0. E. long.

ABBEY - a religious house, governed by an abbot, where persons retire from the world, to spend there time in solitude and devotion. By the invention of masses for the living and the dead, dispensations, jubilees, indulgences, etc. the abbeys procured such large privileges, exemptions, and donations, that, when these houses were totally abolished in England by Henry VIII. to the number of 190, an yearly revenue of I. 2,853,000 reverted to the crown.

ABBEY-BOYLE - a town in the country of Roscommon in Ireland.

ABBREVIATORS - a college of 72 persons in the chancery of Rome, who draw up the Pope's brieves, and reduce petitions into proper form.

ABBREVOIR - a term in masonry, expressive of certain indentures made in the joints of beds of stones, which being filled with the cement mortar, bind them firmer together.

ABCASSES - a people or country in Asia, situated between Circassia, the Black-sea, Mingrelia.

ABDALS - or servants of God, in the Eastern countries; furious enthusiast, who frequently run about the streets, destroying all who differ from them in religious opinion.

ABDEST - a term used for the legal purification by water, practiced among the Muslims and Persians before they begin ceremonies.

ABEL-TREE - or ABELE-TREE, an obsolete name for a species of poplar. [See Poplar}

ABELIANS, ABELOITES, or ABELONIANS, a sect of heretics that sprung near Hippo in Africa during the reign of Arcadius. They had one distinguishing and extraordinary tenet, which was to marry, but never to consummate.

ABESTA - the name of one of the sacred books of the Persian magi, which they ascribe to their great founder Zoroaster. The abesta is a commentary on two others of their religious books called Zend and Pazenda; the three together including the whole system of the Ignicold, or worshipers of fire.

ABIB - signifying an ear of corn, a name given by the Jews to the first month of their ecclesiastical year, afterwards called Nifan. It commence at the vernal equinox, and, according to the course of the moon, by which their months were regulated, answered to the latter part of our March, and beginning of April.

ABLECTI - Roman antiquity, a select body of soldiers chosen from those called EXTRAORDINARI, which see.

ABLUTION - ceremony used by the ancient Romans before they began the sacrifice, which consisted in washing the body. They were probably learned this ceremony from the Jews, as have also the Muslims, who still practice it with the utmost strictness.

ABO - a city of Sweden, capital of Finland, seated at the mouth of the river, Aurojokos on the gulf of Bothnia.

ABOLLA - the name of a military garment worn by the Greeks and Romans.

ABOY - a small town in Ireland, in the province of Leinster.

ABRA - a silver coin of Poland, in value nearly equivalent to an English shilling.

ABRACADABRA - a magical word or spell, which being written as many times as the word contains letters, and omitting the last letter of the former every time, was, in the ages of ignorance and superstition, worn about about the neck, as an antidote against agues and several other diseases.

ABORIGINES - an epithet applied to the original or first inhabitants of any country, but particularly used to signify the ancient inhabitants of Latium, or country now called Campagna di Roma, when Aeneas with his Trojans came into Italy.

ABRAHAMITES - an order of monks exterminated for idolatry by Theophilus in the ninth century. Also the name of another sect of Paulus. [See PAULICIANS]

ABCHARON - a town in Asia, situated on the western shore of the Caspian sea.

ABSCONSA - a dark lanthorn used by the monks at the ceremony of burying their dead.


And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of Children."

And he said:

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,

And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts.

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.

For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.

The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.

Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

Kahlil Gibran

Saturday, February 27, 2010


The end of the world.

The flood legends were one way of symbolically telling how the Earth was once destroyed by an Ice Age--at least all life forms except for a few survivors. In some American Indian myths the end of the world recurred in a cycle, followed by a new creation. According to ancient Aztec tradition, there had already been four destructions of the world (Ice Ages), and an induced fifth (this time a flood) was expected. Each previous world was ruled by a sun (or later, a son) whose disappearance marked each ending (Ice Age).

In the Biblical story of Noah the flood opened the way for a regeneration of the world and a new humanity. Because self-serving greed persisted among the slaves who do their own shopping (the religious and/or spiritual), however, another cataclysm became inevitable. Nearly all modern religions have taken up this kind of mythology, looking forward to an end of the world, a new creation, and a judgment on humanity for its deeds.

Myths of the end of the universe are integrated with beliefs about death and the fate of humanity afterward. In many mythologies the dead may be rewarded or punished for having served, or not served, their "penguin" Moho/Birdman master and commander. It is inconceivable to most birdbrain/brain-dead peep.les that humans would not survive in some form after death. Egyptian kings (symbolic birdmen) made elaborate preparations for the afterlife.

In both Judaism and Christianity, quite complex visions have been devised about the end of the world, the final judgment, and a new creation. The basis for these ideas is in passages from the Book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), the Christian Book of Revelation (New Testament), and portions of the Gospels. In contrast to mythologies of Romany (Gypsy) India, the end of the world is supposed to happen only once. There are no cycles of destruction and regeneration.

For Judaism the coming of the Messiah will announce the end of the present world and the restoration of paradise (a recently warmed-up SS Atlantis II, on Antarctica). For Christianity the end will precede the second coming of Jesus (the symbolic white androgyny Hermaphrodite) and the last judgment.

After these events, according to the MOHO/BIRDMAN (master and commander) business plan, the whole universe will be renewed and made perfect. All evil and misfortune will have been abolished, because all human races as we know them will be destroyed in turn and then replaced with a more perfect slave, the Frankish styled 'Ubermensch'.

Without grasping the full meaning of this Moho devised business plan symbolized by Christianity, many Christian groups that have made the doctrine central to their faith have interposed a 1(or 2),000-year period, following the fall of the Caucasian and the rise of the Asian, called the millennium, between the second coming and the end of the current world.

During this time, they believe, only the western latter day saints (and eastern natsis) will dwell on Earth. Then Satan (the Cro-Magnon Birdman who himself evolved from the symbolic dinosaur, the Neanderthal) will be unleashed to stir up a period of terrible persecution. After that the end will come, followed by judgment and a new creation (a review of the old business plan for planet Earth and the beginning of a new one for the exploration and expropriation of the Universe). Some groups put the second coming after the millennium.

Most protestant Christian denominations, however, are taught to publicly reject the notion of a interim period millennium (purgatory) altogether, while their priests secretly accept it.

Symbolic purgatory is the imprisonment of Martha Stewart (see the Sons of Martha, the engineers).

The SculPTor


CRUSADING ORDERS. One of the three great military and religious orders that arose in fame from the Crusades was the Knights of St. John, usually called Knights Hospitalers. Formed between the First and Second Crusades, it reportedly grew out of an earlier organization for taking care of sick and wounded pilgrims and crusaders. The Knights Templars took their name from the location of their headquarters in the so-called Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Similar in purpose but most important were the monks known as the Teutonic Knights, who were mainly Germans.

The members of these orders conformed to both military and religious discipline. They were soldiers with the obligations and training of knighthood, and they took monastic vows. They were described as "lions in war, lambs in the house, to the enemies of Christ implacable, but to Christians kind and gracious."

Like American Express, they established castles, garrisons, and hospitals in the region of Palestine and formed branches in the home countries. In time, kings and others conferred upon the orders power and possessions in many lands until they became important factors in European history. Their leaders were summoned to the great church councils. Their houses were used as strongholds for the royal treasure. Kings, when pressed for money, depended upon them for loans

Teuton n. 1. A member of an ancient people, of Germanic or Celtic origin, who lived in Jutland until about 100 B.C. 2. A member of any of the peoples speaking a Germanic lan guage, especially a German. [Latin Teu ‹of the whole tribeŠ]

Jutland. A peninsula of northern Europe comprising mainland Denmark and northern Germany. The name is now applied only to the Danish section of the peninsula.

In 1230 the Polish duke, Conrad of Mazovia, gave land to the Knights of the Teutonic Order in return for their assistance in resisting Prussian raids on his territory. In the earliest period of European history, the name Prussia was applied to lands along the southeast coast of the Baltic Sea. Then, Prussia consisted of tribal lands inhabited by Persian Indo-European people. They lived in the territory between the Vistula and lower Niemen rivers. Ethnically they were not German. They belonged to the Baltic family of peoples, along with their Latvian and Lithuanian neighbors.

The Teutonic Order subdued the Prussians, built a network of castles, and settled German families on the conquered lands. The Germans and those upper-class native Prussians who would acknowledge the new rulers became the landed nobility, while the remainder of the native Prussians remained a peasant class. A Prussian revolt of 1261 was put down with difficulty, and a systematic settlement of Prussia by German peasants was begun. By the middle of the 14th century, the majority of the inhabitants were German-speaking.

factotum n. An employee or assistant who serves in a wide range of capacities. [Medieval Latin : Latin fac, imperative of facere (faker, one who fakes or produces fakes ~ see Synonyms at impostor), to do; see + Latin everything , from neuter of all; - below.]

teetotum n. Games. A top, a toy having one end tapered to a point, allowing it to be spun, as by suddenly pulling a string wound around it, usually having four lettered sides, that is used to play various games of chance. [From earlier T totum (from the letter tee that appeared on one side of the toy) from totum, from Latin, neuter of sing; all - below.]

Gregorian chant n. Roman Catholic Church. A liturgical chant that is monodic, rhythmically unstructured, and sung without accompaniment. [After Saint Gregory I.]

Gregory I, Saint. Known as ‹Gregory the Great.Š 540?-604. Pope (590-604) who increased papal authority, enforced rules of life for the clergy, and sponsored many important missionary expeditions, notably that of Saint Augustine to Britain (596).

The SculPTor


Estonia, Latvia and Prussia formed the Teutonic Knights landbase in Europe. Although since the 19th century Germany and Austria have for salient secret political purposes constituted seperate countries, historically they form a single cultural region, the musical history of which is tied to both its geography and its political and religious development. Its location in the center of Europe made it a crossroads for cultural ideas.

In its origins, the German musical tradition was influenced by those of the ancient Romans, the Magyars, the Slavs, and the early German Franks. It can be precisely traced from the early Christian era, when the Gregorian chant, or plainsong, served as a uniform code. In Austria the use of plainsong dates back to the 5th century. At that time, the lands that were to become Germany (Watchers) were part of the Frankish Empire, which reached its height under the rule of Charlemagne. In 843 the German lands were partitioned from those corresponding to present-day France and Italy; in 962 the German-dominated Holy Roman Empire was founded when Otto I (the third in the line of German kings and a word at the root of Ottoman, Ottawa and cotton) was crowned emperor by the pope.

Because the early German monarchs regularly moved their courts, centers of court life did not immediately take root. As in Austria, however, the monasteries remained centers of activity. Founded in 1190 by German merchants, reportedly to serve a hospital, the Teutonic Knights were originally called the BROTHERS of the Hospit al of SAINT MARY of the TUETONS in Jerusalem. By 1198 they had become a military order, modelled on the Persian military police force and adapted to the Benedictine plan for the protection of the higher clergy. The members were NOBLES (Mystic Shrine).

The most notable of these were the Carthusians, so called from the monastery of the GRANDE Chartreuse near Grenoble, France. The Order was founded by St. Bruno in 1084. The Cistercians, or White Monks. were founded by St. Robert of Molesmes in 1098. The Premonstratensians, or White Canons, were founded by St. Norbert in 1120. They were named after Premontre (prophesy), France.

During the 13th century they moved to what is now Estonia, in eastern Europe.

During the 16th century the order's GRAND master converted (1525) to Lutheranism and declared Prussia a secular duchy. A remaining branch of the order retained land in central and southern Germany until 1809. Today the order is reorganized, reportedly as a clerical order engaged in 'pastoral work' and health care. Its headquarters are in Vienna, Austria.

The SculPTor


DESCARTES, Rene (1596-1650). Both modern philosophy and modern mathematics began with the work of Rene Descartes. His analytic method of thinking focused attention on the problem of how we know, which has occupied philosophers ever since. His invention of coordinate geometry prepared the way for advances in mathematics. Descartes offered one of the first modern theories to account for the origin of the solar system of the Earth.

Rene Descartes was born on March 31, 1596, at La Haye in the Touraine region of France. At the Jesuit school of La Fleche, Rene was taught philosophy, the humanities, science, and mathematics. After getting a law degree at the University of Poitiers in 1616, he served as a volunteer in Dutch and Bavarian armies to broaden his experience. He resumed his study of mathematics and science when his duties permitted. Dissatisfied with the haphazard methods of science then in use, he began to doubt all but mathematical knowledge.

In 1619 Descartes arrived at the conclusion that the universe has a mathematically logical structure and that a single method of reasoning could apply to all natural sciences, providing a unified body of knowledge. He believed he had discovered such a method by breaking a problem down into parts, accepting as true only clear, distinct ideas that could not be doubted, and systematically deducing one conclusion from another

Descartes soon gave up army life. Living on private means, he spent several years travel ing and applying his analytical system to mathematics and science. Finding, however, that the sciences rested on disputed philosophical ideas, he determined to discover a first principle, which could not be doubted, on which to build knowledge. Retiring to seclusion in Holland in 1629, he methodically doubted all accepted traditions and evidence about the universe and mankind. He could not doubt the statement "I think, therefore I am," and thus his first principle was established.

Descartes's major writings on methodology and philosophy were his 'Discourse on Method' (published in 1637) and 'Meditations' (1641). His application of algebra to geometry appeared in his 'Geometry' (1637). He also published works on his studies in natural science.

Descartes's work brought him both fame and controversy. In 1649 he was invited to teach philosophy to the queen of Sweden. He became ill and died in Stockholm on Feb. 11, 1650.

The SculPTor

Ultimate Reality's First Cause should be ~ "I think I think, therefore I am not"!


The name t-u-r-key is a phonetic/word combination which means:

'TEA YOU ARE KEY !' : This means 'alter natives for the plan'.

The name Vulture describes these Lixitae priest~Hoods to a T.

They prey on you while you live but, mostly, they pick your carcass to the bone at the time of your death. They can even steal your DNA and use it in future cloning experiments.

These Mason Watchers operated from the mountains of Kurdistan between 9500 BC and 4000 BC when they downloaded their direct control over the local natives to their offspring, the Nephilim (Freemasons).

The Mason Watchers of the Cult of the Turkey Vulture then returned to their regional headquarters in the Pyrenees Basque Country and began the work of preparing Rome (the RO man) to become an Empire at a date in the future.

The Nephilim then proceeded to form the societies of Babylon, Cashmere and Egypt.

The SculPTor


Neptune, originally the God of FRESHWATER, by 399 BC the bearded man with a Trident and standing on cockle shells became Poseidon, the Greek god of the SEA. His feminine self was Salacia, the goddess of SPRINGWATER.

In astronomy Neptune (7~1) is the 8th planet from the sun.

Neptune and his Trident are symbols of the Cult of the Turkey Vulture's reemergence from the basalt region under the sea (Atlantis), at approximately 13,000 BC, and the exploration of the continents bordering the Atlantic ocean by the Neanderthal Watchers (Giants), at the end of the last Ice Age.

What followed was the introduction of the first genetically engineered human, the TAN or brown skinned race, at approximately 10,000 BC. Their headquarters was established in the Pyrenees and branches were founded in Africa and Central America. Thus, the three pronged Trident symbol for a Freshwater God who re~emerges from the Sea.

These tanned skinned races eventually settled in the Himalayas and the Andes. The Hindu-Europeans owe their history to these salient Peoples of the Sea and Shepherd Kings (Moors). Later, in 4000 BC, they would also introduce the 'new and improved' genetically engineered Caucasian into Mesopotamia, and thereby began the process of turning the entire planet into a beta test site for Grand Orient Freemasonry's Trojan Horses and Talking Mules who manage their herd of penned human guinea pigs ('men who wear dresses in public' and the 'slaves who do their own shopping').

The SculPTor


ZEND, or Zendavesta is a book containing the religion of the Magians, or the worshipers of fire, who were disciples of the famous Zoroaster. Avesta means the sacred text, and Zend the commentary. This book was composed by Zoroaster during his retirement in a cave, and contained all the pretended revelations of that imposter. The first part contains the liturgy of the magi, which is used among them in all their oratories and fire temples to this day; they reverence it as the Christians do the Bible, and the Muslims the Koran. The Parsee say in the catechism, or compendium of doctrines in use among them: "We consider these books as heavenly books, because God sent the tidings of these books to us through the holy prophet(profit) Zurthost." The greater part of the work was lost during the persecutions by the Muslims conquerors of Persia. One only of the books has been preserved, the Vendidad, comprising twenty-two chapters. The Yasna and Vispered together constitute the collection of fragments which are termed Vendidad Sade. There is another fragmentary collection called Yesht Sade. There are found many things in the zend taken out of the scriptures of the Old Test.amen.t, which Dr. Prideaux thinks is an argument that Zoroaster was originally a Jew. Great part of the Psalms of David are inserted; he makes Adam and Eve to have been the first parents of mankind, and gives the same history of the creation and deluge, as Moses does, and commands the same observances about clean and unclean beasts. The same law of paying tithes to the sacerdotal order, with many other institutions of Jewish extraction. The rest of its contents are an historical account of the life, actions, and prophecies of its author, with rules and exhortations to moral living. The Musilms have a sect which they call Zendikites, who are said to be Sadducees of Muslims, denying providence and resurrection, believing the transmigration of souls, and following the zend of the magi.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Neanderthal man : A species or race of human beings, Homo neanderthalensis, known to exist during the late Pleistocene Age in the Old World and associated with Middle Paleolithic tools. [After Neanderthal, a valley of western Germany west of DÄsseldorf.]

Au‡ri‡gnac : A village of southern France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is the site of caves containing prehistoric relics.

Au‡rig‡na‡cian : Of or relating to the Old World Upper Paleolithic culture between Mousterian and Solutrean, associated with early Homo sapiens and characterized by artifacts such as figures of stone and bone, graphic artwork, the use of dress and adornment, and a type of tool culture.

The SculPTor



Think of it like farmers breeding cattle.

Neanderthals, thought by most to be extinct (the result of Monk~Media disinformation), first engineered Roaming Gnomes (Cro Magnon) in the labs of their hiding place, Antarctica (Kempt Coast - Atlantis), during the dying days of the last ice age.

These Cro Magnon surveyed the planet on behalf of their Neanderthal masters and came up with a plan for taking over the entire world by first turning it into a STRESS LABORATORY.

The final authorized business plan was given 8,000 years to achieve its objectives, which is to human engineer the most perfect slave possible, by the application of human and genetic engineering principles learned in the previous 50,000 years.

As in the manner of planned future terra-forming space exploration, a craft was equipped as a GE lab (Noah's Ark) and sailed from Antarctica to India.

The crew consisted of new Aryan Humans who had been Genetically Engineered (Sapians) and were easily identified by their colour TAN (brown/red), once it was introduced among the existing local homo-Habilis BLACK population.

In time, the TAN set up their own Genetic Engineering laboratory at K2 in the Himalayas and produced two more versions of GE humans; one WHITE and one YELLOW (Sapian-Sapians).

The WHITE batch of GE humans was tamed with a program modelled on the BEE and sent to populate the west (Caucasians), while the YELLOW batch was programed with software modelled on the ANT and sent to live in the east (Asians); the Himalayan and Ural Mountains being the dividing line.

The WHITES (aka GREENS) were alloted a 4000 year (4 days) shelf life while the Yellows (aka CORN) were given 6000 years (College of 6 days).

Seesaw : 'AI' GREEN (peas) and YELLOW (corn) basket (both are fabricated symbols of cloning).

To be continued

The SculPTor

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Egypt received from India

India has no history or chronology of its own, and it is in the time of the Persian kings that it first appears in the his story of the world. Yet testimony of antiquity, its proximity to the original land of the Caucasian race, and the primitive character of its social institutions, prove it be one of the most ancient nations of the earth.

In India, religion and priestly influence have effected what law and tradition have produced in China - the absolute prostration of the intellect of the nation. The system of castes sets a bar to all ambition and to all energy. No development of mind can take place where every man's station in life is immutably marked out for him. The nation presents at the present day the same spectacle which excited the wonder of the Greeks who accompanied Alexander; an immense, gentle, and peaceful brainwashed population; abundance of wealth; all the useful necessary, and ornamental arts life; a manifold, intricate system of religion, abounding in rites and ceremonies, many of them of the most lascivious character.

Like China, India is an instance of the fatal effect of checking the free development of mind; here, too, everything is stationary. The love of country is a feeling unknown to the breast of the inhabitants, and India has been at all periods the easy prey of every invader whom its wealth attracted. Omitting the fabulous expeditions of Sesostris and Semiranmia, the earliest account we have of a conquest of any part of this country is of that by Cyrus and Darius I., kings of Persia; next Alexander the Great with ease overthrew all that opposed him, and, but for the refusal of his troops, would have planted his standards on the banks of the Ganges. Seleucus Nicator ruled over the provinces conquered by Alexander, reached in conquest the banks of the Jumnah, and subdued a large portion of Bengal. When the feeble successors of Seleucus had lost their power over other subject nations, their vicegerents were still obeyed during a period of 60 years by a great part of India. A hundred and twenty years after the death of Alexander, Antiochus the Great invaded and conquered a considerable portion of India; and when he was overcome by the Romans all his possessions west of the Indus fell to Euthydemus, the Grecian sovereign of Bactria, and India cheerfully obeyed him. He was unable to effect the succession of his son Demetrius in Bactria; but over the Indian provinces the prince reigned without opposition. Eucratides, the fifth of the Graeco-Bactrian kings, reunited to Bactria the Indian possessions, and every succeeding reigning line Persia had dominion in India, till it was eventually overrun and occupied by Mohammedan conquerors. For the last thousand years it has been the prey of every foreign spoiler. Thus India seems destined never to enjoy national independence; her countless millions doomed forever to bow beneath a foreign sceptre, she stands an instructive monument of the evils resulting from fettered intellect and priestly dominion.

The valley watered by the Nile, and enclosed between the desert on the west and barren mountains on the east, was the seat of one of the earliest and most renowned empires of which we have any recording remaining. A branch of the Caucasian race, it would appear, crossed the strait of Bab-el Mandeb. It mastered the Aethiopians whom it met, and founded an empire on the system of caste in Nubia; then advanced with the stream, established that of Upper Egypt; and lastly spread over Lower Egypt and the Delta now formed by the Nile. But this was long anterior to the commencement of history. So early as the days of Abranam, Lower Egypt was the seat of a rich, flourishing, and civilized state.

The turn of mind of this branch of the Caucasian stem was similar to that of the branch which established itself in India. Hence some have needlessly supposed that one country was colonized by the other. Here, as in India, the priestly caste enjoyed high power and privilege. They were the depositories of all arts and sciences; they not only were the directors of the employments of life, but possessed the awful office of judges of the dead, who were brought before their tribunal ere consigned to the tomb; and by numerous practices and ceremonies, they forever kept the idea and the fear of death before the eyes of the people. Their own religious system, known to the initiated alone, was perfectly simple; what they taught the people in symbol and figure was complex, obscene, and degrading. Independence was secured to the sacerdotal order by the immunity of their lands from imposts.

Yet priestly sway never attained the same height here as in India. Egypt was a conquered country, numerous tribes of nomads and other classes, who never completely amalgamated with the conquerors, roamed the land, sometimes independent, sometimes obedient. Hence the king, was in a great measure independent of the priests. The history of Joseph informs us, that the king had a fifth of the produce of the land, and, as in this case of this minister, could appoint a stranger and an uninitiated person to the highest office of the state, and give in marriage the daughter of the high priest. We therefore read of internal tumults and foreign wars, the fabulous expeditions against Judea and more distant powers. Arabian and Nubian monarchs have ruled over Egypt; it fell before the Babylonian, Persian, Grecian, and Roman power, yet the castes, as in India, subsisted through every shock.

Where the system of caste prevails, the inferior castes are always of a peaceful, industrious character. Each person's walk of life being marked out for him, he pursues it with the regularity and mechanism of mere matter. All we learn of ancient Egypt corresponded with this principle; the narrowness and fertility of the land caused an excessive population; agriculture could employ but a small portion of the people; the sedentary arts were therefore cultivated to a great extent, and the division of labor was carried almost beyond anything similar in modern times. The accounts we have of emigrations from Egypt are obscure, and many of them not very credible. The plan devised for preventing the evils of over-populousness was, to accustom the lower orders to a spare diet, and employ them on the construction of huge edifices, destined for tombs, or the temples of religion. Hence the pyramids and excavated temples which still excite the wonder of the world of the world, and prove what may be effected by the aid of the simplest machinery, with time, number, and perseverance.

The great trait of a sacerdotal period is everywhere to be discerned. Every thing advanced to a certain point of perfection; there stopped, never to advance, but rather to recede. It is remarked, that in design and execution the more ancient monuments exceed the later.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Art From Audrey A. D' avis

"Where is your Spine"

Clan Mother

Thanks to Audrey A. D' avis

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


According to traditions of hoary antiquity preserved in the sacred books of the Parsees, and in the Shah Nameh, the immoral poem of Ferdoosee, there existed in the most remote ages , with sacerdotal institutions akin to those of India, a mighty and extensive empire in Bactria or Eastern Persia. Grecian writers confirm this account, and it is farther proved by the route of the Caucasian race, who, in their progress along the mountains, must have been attracted by these fertile regions, abounding in every production, protected by lofty impassable mountains to the north, and bordering on the realms of India and Babylonia. The branch of the Caucasian stem, called the Indo-Persian race, spread over Iran, the country between Babylonia and India. Its chief seat was Bactria. Here, according to Persian tradition, ruled Cayumarath, the first of men, or of kings, and his descendants till Jemsheed was overthrown by the Aramaean Zobak. The system of religion named from Zoroaster prevailed in Bactria, and the sacerdotal caste stood in rights and privileges nearly on a par with the Brahmins of India, who, probably, possessed originally a similar institution. The idolatrous Aramaean priesthood united itself with that of Bactria; but when Aramaean or Babylonian dominion sank, and the Iranian revived in the person of Feridoon, the old religion recovered its dominion. Changes of dynasty effect it not; it passed to the Medes and Persians, and still was flourishing when the disciples of Mohammed extinguished it in blood; and it yet lingers among the Parsees of India, the descendants of those who sought refuge in that country from persecution. But the simple religion of Zoroaster, which worshiped under the emblem of light and fire the Author of light and happiness, but not the debasing effects of the intricate idolatry and metaphysics of India; and if Iran fell beneath foreign conquerors, the fault was not in her system of religion.

From the Core to the Mohodiscontinuity

Heaven, literally signifies the expanse of the firmament, surrounding our earth, and extended every way to an immense distance. The Hebrews acknowledged three heavens: the first the aerial heaven, in which the birds fly, the winds blow, and the showers are formed; the second, the firmament in which the stars are placed; the third, the heaven of heavens, the residence of the Almighty, the abode of saints(natsi) and angels(masons).

Heaven is considered by Christian divines and philosophers, as a place in some remote part of infinite space, in which the omnipresent Deity is said to afford a nearer and more immediate view of himself, and a more manifestation of his glory, than in the other parts of the universe. This is often called the empyrean, from that splendor with which it is supposed to be invested.; and of this place inspired writers to give us magnificent descriptions. The pagans considered heaven as the residence only of the celestial gods, into which no mortals were admitted after death, unless they were deified, As for the souls of good men, they were consigned to the Elysian fields.

Hell, the place of divine punishment after death. As all religions have supposed a future state of existence after this life; so all have their hell or place of torment, in which the wicked are supposed to have punished. The hell of the ancient heathens was divided into two mansions; the one called Elysium, on the right hand, pleasant and delightful, appointed for the souls of good men; the other called Tartara, on the left, a region of misery and torment, appointed for the wicked. The latter only was hell in the present restrained sense of the word.

The philosophers were of opinion, that the infernal regions were at a equal distance from all the parts of the earth; nevertheless it was the opinion of some that there were certain passages which led there, as the river Lethe near Syrtes, and the Acherusian cave in Epirus. At Hermione it was thought, that there was a very short way to hell; for which reason the people of that country never put the fair into the mouths of the dead to pay their passage.

The Jews placed hell in the center of the earth, and believed it ti be situated under waters and mountains . According to them there three passages leading to it: the first is in the wilderness, and by the Korah, Dathan and Abiram descended into hell; the second is in the sea, because Jonah, who was thrown into the sea, cried to God out of the belly of hell; the third is in Jerusalem, because it is said the fire of the Lord is in Zion, and his furnace is in Jerusalem. They likewise acknowledged seven degrees of pain in hell, because they find this place called by seven different names in scripture. Though they believed that infidels, and persons eminently wicked, will continue forever in hell; yet they maintained, that every Jew who is not infected with some heresy, and has not acted contrary to the points mentioned by the rabbins, will not be punished therein for any other crimes above a year at most.

The Mahometans believe the eternity of rewards and punishments in another life. In the Koran it is said, that hell has seven gates, the first for the Mussulmans, the second for the Christians, the third for the Jews, the fourth for the Sabians, the fifth for the Magians, the sixth for the pagans, the seventh for all the hypocrites of all religions.

Among Christians, there are two controverted questions in regard to hell; the one concerns locality. the other the duration of its torments. The locality of hell, and the reality of its fire began first to be controverted bu Origen. That father, interpreting the scripture account metaphorically, makes hell to consist not in external punishments, but in a consciousness or sense of guilt, and a remembrance of past pleasures. Among the moderns, Mr. Whiston advanced a new hypothesis. According to him, the comets are so many hells appointed in their orbits alternately to carry the damned into the confines of the sun, there to be scorched by its violent heat, and then to return with them beyond the orb of Saturn, there to starve them in these cold and dismal regions. Another modern author, not satisfied with any hypothesis hitherto advanced, assigns the sun to be the local hell. As to the second question, viz. the duration of hell torments, we have Origen again at the head of those who deny that they are eternal; it being that father's opinion, that only men, but devils, after a due course of punishment suitable to their respective crimes, shall be pardoned and restored to heaven. The chief principle upon which Origen built his opinion, was the nature of punishment, which he took to be emendatory, applied only as physic for the recovery of the patient's health. Those who maintain this affirmative, ground their opinion upon scripture accounts, which represents the pains of hell under the figure of a worm which never dies, and a fire which is not quenched; as also upon the words, "These shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."


  • HELL : Is when our DNA is never able to remember with the SIMA, the orphic egg shell memory bank, the Moho which envelops the mantle at the core of our planet EARTH.
  • PURGATORY : Is being part of the SIAL, the angry lava that flows back to the surface from below the Earth's crust, through stone tree volcanoes, and thereby temporarily Delays some DNA's ability to remember with the SIMA, the singularity of life on our planet.
  • HEAVEN : Is when our DNA takes the shortest path possible to the MOHO discontinuity and immediately remembers with the SIMA, the DNA of all who have gone before. Burial at sea improves the chances of this happening more rapidly.

  • GODS are those Neanderthals who first penetrated and took up lodging within the SIMA, without first having died. They, and/or their descendants, now live inside the accumulated billion (+) year DNA memory bank of our planet. They are also the Genetic Engineers who fabricated Cro Magnons (Roma), then Semites (Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews and Phoenicians), and later Asians, and finally, Caucasians; all being part of the preliminary beta testing leading to the Human Engineering of a 2 in 1 androgyny SuperSlave hermaphrodite.

    Time is to Emit; or Matter Moving in Space

    Time is a succession of phenomena in the universe; or a mode of duration marked by certain periods or measures, chiefly by the motion and revolution of the sun. The parts of time are Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Years, Cycles, Ages, and Periods. The original standard or integral measure of time, is a year; which is determined by the revolution of some celestial body in its orbit, viz. the sun or moon.

    The time measured by the sun's revolution ecliptic, from any equinox or solstice to the same again is called the Solar or Tropical Year, which contains 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 57 seconds; and is the only proper or natural year, because it always keeps the same seasons of the same months.

    The quantity of time measured by the sun's revolution, as from any fixed star to the same star again, is called the Syderal year; which contains 365 days 6 hours, 9 minutes, 14 1/2 seconds; and is 20 minutes 17 1/2 seconds longer than the true solar year.

    The time measured by the twelve revolutions of the moon, from the sun to the sun again, is called the Lunar year; it contains 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, 36 seconds; and is therefore 10 days, 21 hours 0 minutes, 21 seconds shorter than the solar year. This is the foundation of the epact.

    The civil year is that which is in common use among the different nations of the world; of which, some reckon by the lunar, but most by the solar. The civil solar year contains 365 days, for three years running, which are called common years; and then comes in what is called bessextile or leap-year, which contains 366 days. This is also called the Julian year, on account of Julius Cesar, who appointed the intercalary-day every forth year, thinking thereby to make the civil and solar year keep pace together. And this day, being added to the 23d of February, which in the Roman calendar was the sixth of the calendar of March, that sixth day was twice reckoned, or the 23d and 24th were reckoned as one day, and was called bis sextus dies; and thence came the name bissextile for that year. But in our common almanacs this day is added at the end of February.

    The civil lunar year is also common or intercalary. The common year conflicts of 12 lunations, which contain 354 days; at the end of which, the year begins again. The intercalary, or embolimic year is that wherein a month was added, to adjust the lunar year to the solar. This method was used by the Jews, who kept their account by lunar motions. But by intercalating no more than a month of 30 days, which they called Ve-Adar, every third year, they fell 3 1/4 day short of the solar year in that time.

    The Romans also used the lunar embolimic year at first, as it was settled by Romulus their first king, who made it to consist only of ten months or lunations , which fell 61 days short of the solar year, and so their year became quite vague and unfixed; for which reason, they were forced to have a table published by the high priest, to inform them when the spring and other seasons began. But Julius Caesar, as already mentioned, taking this troublesome affair into consideration, reformed the calendar, by making the year to consist of 365 days 6 hours.

    The year thus settled, is was what we still make use of in Britain; but as it is somewhat more than 11 minutes longer the solar tropical year, the times of the equinoxes go backward, and fall earlier by one day in about 130 years. In the time of the Nicean Council, (A.D. 325), 1414 years ago, the vernal equinox fell on the 21st of March; and if we divide 1444 by 130, it will quote 11, which is the number of days which the equinox has fallen back since the Council of Nice. This causes great disturbances, by unfixing the times of the celebration of Easter, and consequently of all the other movable feasts , Pope Gregory XIIIth, in the year 1582, ordered ten years to be at once struck out of that year; and the next day after the 4th of October was called the 15th. By this means vernal equinox was restored to the 21st of March; and it was endeavored, by the omission of three intercalary days in 400 years, to make the civil or political year keep pace with the solar for time to come. This new form of the year is called the Gregorian account, or new style; which is received in all countries where the pope's authority is acknowledge, and ought to be in all places where truth is regarded.

    The principal division of the year is into months, which are of two sorts, namely, astronomical and civil. The astronomical month is the time in which the moon runs through the zodiac, and is either periodical or synodical. The periodical month is the time spent by the moon in making one complete revolution from any point of the zodiac to the same again; which is 27d 7h 43m. The synodical month, called a lunation, is the time contained between the moon's parting with the sun at a conjunction and returning to him again, which is 29d 12h 44m. The civil months are those which are framed for the use of civil life; and are different as to their names, number of days, and times of beginning, in several different countries. The first month of the Jewish year fell according to the moon in out August and September, old style; the second in September and October; and so on. The first month of the Egyptian year began on the 2pth of our August. The first month of the Arabic and Turkish year began the 16th of July. The first month of the Grecian year fell according to the moon in June and July, the second in July and August, and so on.

    A month is divided into four parts called weeks, and a week into seven parts called day; so that in a Julian year there are 13 such months, or 52 weeks, and one day over. The Gentiles gave the names of the sun, moon, and planets, to the days of the week. To the first, the name of the Sun; to the second, of the Moon; to the third, of Mars; to the fourth, of Mercury; to the fifth, of Jupiter; to the sixth, of Venus; and to the seventh, of Saturn.

    A day is either natural or artificial. The natural day contains 24 hours; the artificial the time from sun-rise to sun-set. The natural day is either astronomical or civil. The astronomical days begins at noon, because the increase or decrease of days terminated by the horizon are very unequal among themselves; which inequality is likewise augmented by the inconstancy of the horizontal refractions, and therefore the astronomer takes the meridian for the limit of diurnal revolutions, reckoning noon, that is, the instant when the sun's center is on the meridian, for the beginning of the day. The British, French, Dutch, German, Spaniards, Portugese, and Egyptians, begins, begin the civil day at midnight; the ancient Greeks, Jews, Bohemians, Silesians, with the modern Italians, and Chinese, begin it at sun-setting; and the ancient Babylonians, Persians, Syrians, with the modern Greeks, at sun-rising.

    An hour is a certain determine part of the day, and is either equal or unequal. An equal hour is the 24th part of a mean natural day, as shown by well-regulated clocks and watches; but these hours are not quite equal as measured by the returns of the sun to the meridian, because of the obliquity of the ecliptic and sun's unequal motion in it. Unequal hours are those by which the artificial day is divided into twelve parts, and the nights into as many.

    An hour is divided into 60 equal parts minutes, a minute into 60 equal parts called seconds, and these again into 60 equal parts called thirds. The Jews, Chaldeans, Arabians, divide the hour into 1080 equal parts, called scruples; which number contains 18 times 60, so that one minute contains 18 scruples.

    A cycle is a perpetual round, or circulation of the same parts of time of any sort. The cycle of the sun is a revolution of 28 years, in which time the days of the months return again to the same days of the week; the sun's place to the same signs and degrees of the ecliptic on the same months and days, so as not to differ one degree in 100 years; and the leap-years begin the same course over again with respect to the days of the week on which the days of the months fall. The cycle of the moon, commonly called the golden number, is a revolution of 19 years; in which time, the conjunctions, oppositions, and other aspects of the moon, are within an hour and have of being the same as they were on the same days of the months 19 years before. The indiction is a revolution of 15 years, used only by the Romans for indicating the times of certain payments made by the subjects to the republic: It was established by Constantine A.D. 312.

    The year of our Saviours birth, according to the vulgar aera, was the 9th year of the solar year, the first year of the lunar cycle, and the 312th year after his birth was the first year of the Roman indiction. Therefore, to find the year of the solar cycle, add 9 to any given year of Christ, and divide the sum by 28, the quotient is the number of cycles elapsed since his birth, and the remainder is the cycle for the given year: If nothing remains, the cycle is 28. To find the lunar cycle, add 1 to the given year of Christ, and divide the sum by 19; the quotient is the number of cycles elapsed in the interval, and the remainder is the cycle for the given year.: If nothing remains the cycle is 19. Lastly, subtract 312 from the given year of Christ, and divide the remainder by 15; and what remains after this division is the indiction for the given year: If nothing remains the indiction is 15.

    The first seven letters of the alphabet are commonly placed in the annual almanacs, to show on what days of the week the days of the months fall throughout the year. And because one of those seven letters must necessarily stand against Sunday, it is printed in a capital form, and called the dominical letter. The other fix being inserted in small characters, to denote the other six days of the week. Now since a common Julian year contains 365 days, if this number be divided by 7 (the number of days in a week) there will remain one day. If there had been no remainder it is plain the year would constantly begin on the same day of the week; but since one remains, it is plain, that the year must begin and end on the same day of the week; and therefore the next will begin on the day following. Hence, when January begins on Sunday, A is the dominical or Sunday letter for that letter for that year: Then, because the next year begins on Monday, the Sunday will fall on the seventh day, to which is annexed the seventh letter G, which therefore will be the dominical letter for all that year; and as the third year will begin on Tuesday, the Sunday will fall on the sixth day; therefore F will be the Sunday letter for that year. Whence it is evident, that the Sunday letters will go annually in a retrograde order thus, G, F, E, D, C, B, A. And, in the course of seven years, if they all were common ones, the same days of the week and dominical letters would return to the same days of the months. But because there are 366 days in a leap-year, if this number be divided by 7, there will remain two days over and above the 52 weeks of which the year consists. And therefore, if the leap-year begins on Sunday, it will end on Monday; and the next year will begin on Tuesday, the first Sunday whereof must fall on the sixth of January, to which is annexed the letter F, and not G, as in common years. By this means, the leap-year returning every fourth year, the order of the dominical letters is interrupted; and the series cannot return to its first slate till after four times seven, or 28 years; and then the same days of the week as before.

    From the multiplication of the solar cycle of 28 years into the lunar cycle of 19 years, and the Roman indiction of 15 years, arises the great Julian period, consisting of 7,980 years, which had its beginning 764 years before Strauchius's supposed year of the creation (for no later could all the three cycles begin together) and it is not yet completed. And therefore it includes all the l other cycles, periods, and aeras. There is but one year in the whole period that has the same numbers for the three cycles of which it is made up. And therefore, if historians had remarked in their writings the cycles of each year, there had been no dispute about the time of any action recorded by them.

    The Dionysian or vulgar aera of Christ's birth was about the end of the year of the Julian period 4713; and consequently the first year of his age, according to that account, was the 4714th year of the said period. Therefore, if to the current year of Christ we add 4713, the sum will be the year of the Julian period. So the year 1796 will be found to be the 6432d year of that period. Or, to find the year of the Julian period answering to any given year before the first year of Christ, subtract the number of that given year from 4714, and the remainder will be the year of the Julian period. Thus, the year 585 before the first year of Christ ( which was the 584th before his birth) was the 4129th year of the said period. Lastly, to find the cycles of the sun, moon, and indiction for any given year of this period, divide the given year by 28, 19, and 15; the three remainders will be the cycles sought, and the quotients the numbers of cycles run since the beginning of the period. So in the above 4714th year of the Julian period, the cycle of the sun was 10, the cycle of the moon 2, and the cycle of indiction 4; the solar cycle having run through 168 courses, the lunar 248, and the indiction 314.

    The vulgar aera of Christ birth was never settled till the year 527, when Dionysius Exiguus, a Roman abbot, fixed it to the end of the 4713th year of the Julian period, which was fours years too late. For our Saviour was born before the death of Herod, who fought to kill him as soon as he heard of birth. And, according to the testimony of Josephus there was an eclipse of the moon in the time of Herod's last illness; which eclipse appears by our astronomical tables to have been in the year of the Julian period 4710, March 13th, at 3 hours past midnight, at Jerusalem. Now, as our Saviour must have been borne some months before Herod's death, since in the interval he was carried into Egypt, the latest time in which we can fix the true aera of his birth as about the end of the 4709th year of the Julian period.

    As there are certain fixed points in the heavens from which astronomers begin their computations, so their are certain points of times from which historians begin to reckon; and these points or roots of time are called aeras or epochs. The most remarkable aeras, are those of the Creation, the Greek Olympiads, the building of Rome, the aera of Nabonassar, the death of Alexander, the birth of Christ, the Arabian Hegira, and the Persian Jesdegird.


    Sunday, February 21, 2010

    "China" in English is derived from Cin, a Persian name for China popularized in Europe by Marco Polo

    The Chinese has long been an object of curiosity to the western world, from its extent of empire and the singularity of its social institutions. The Chinese empire occupies an extent of surface equal to that of all Europe, containing within it every variety of soil and climate, and natural production; thus rendering it in institutions it has presented through all periods a model of the primitive form of government, the patriarchal, and an exemplification of the evil of continuing it beyond its just and necessary period. In China all is at a stand still; succeeding ages add not to the knowledge of those that have gone before; no one must presume to be wiser than his fathers: around the Son of Heaven, as they designate their emperor, assemble the learned of the land as his council; so in the provinces the learned in their several degrees around the governor; and laws and rules are passed from the highest down to the lowest, to be by them given to the people. Every, even the most minute, circumstance of common life is regulated by law. It matters not, for example, what may be the wealth of the individual, he must wear the dress and build his house after the mode prescribed by ancient regulations. In China everything bears the stamp of antiquity: immovableness seems to be characteristic of the nation; every implement retains its primitive rude form; every invention has stopped at the first step. The gradual progress towards perfection of the Caucasian race is unknown in China; the plow is still drawn by men; the written characters of their mono-syllabic languages stand for ideas, not for simple sounds; and the laborious task of learning to read occupies the time that might be employed in the acquisition of valuable knowledge. Literature has been at all periods cultivated by a nation where learning (such as it is) is the only road to honor and dignity, and books beginning with the five Kings of Con-fu-tsee, which equal the four Vedas of India in the honor in which they are held , have at all times been common in this empire. A marked feature in the Chinese character is the absence of imagination: all is the product of cold reason. The Kings speak not of God, and present no system of religion: every thing of that nature in China came from India.

    The uncertain history of China ascends to about 2,500 years before the Christian era; the uncertain history commences about eight centuries before Christ. According to Chinese tradition, the founders of the state, a hundred families in number, descended from the mountains of Kulcum, on the lake of Khukhunor, north-west of China; and hence the middle provinces of Chensee, Leong, Hona, &c. were the first seats of their cultivation. These provinces are in the same climate as Greece and Italy. Twenty-two dynasties of princes are enumerated as having governed China to the present day, the actual emperor being the fifth monarch of the twenty-second or Tai Tsin dynasty. Of these dynasties, one of the most remarkable is the Song, which ruled over the southern empire at the time China was divided into two, and fell beneath the arms of the Yver or mingled nomadic tribes, led to conquest by the descendants of Chingis Khan. This line, which reigned from A.D. 960 to 1280, distinguished itself by the encouragement of the arts and sciences; it cultivated relations with Japan, fostered trade and commerce, and in all things went contrary to the established maxims of Chinese policy, and while it lasted the empire bloomed beneath its sway; but the hordes of the desert leveled its glories, and its fate has been ever since held up as an awful warning to those who venture to depart even a hair's breadth from the ancient manners. At an earlier period, under the dynasty of Tsin (248-206 B.C.), China first received religion from India; but the missionaries were not artful or prudent enough to adapt it to Chinese maxims of state, and they were unsuccessful in the contest between them and the learned. At a later period, when the Buddhism of India had become the Lamaism of Tibet, it entered China as the religion of Foe, and by the worldly prudence of its bonzes or priests, succeeded in gaining a favorable reception and becoming the religion of the state. Everything that hopes for success in this country must fall in with the national character. China has often been overcome, and its reigning dynasty changed; but the manners and institutions of China remain unaltered, as different from those of the Caucasian race as the features of the Chinese face are from those of the European.

    Saturday, February 20, 2010


    Diamond cutting is much like Genetic Engineering and Frontal Lobotomy.

    NADER SHAH (1688-1747). Often called the "Napoleon of Iran," the 18th-century bandit leader Nader Shah created an empire that stretched from northern India to the Caucasus Mountains. Nader Qoli Beg was born in Kobhan, Iran, on Oct. 22, 1688, into one of the Turkish tribes loyal to the Safavid shahs of Iran. In 1726, as head of a group of bandits, he raised an army of 5,000 to help Shah Tahmasp II regain the throne the shah's father had lost four years before. Success in battle brought the bandit power enough to restore the shah and then depose him in favor of the shah's infant son. When the son died in 1736, Nader had himself proclaimed shah.

    To consolidate his hold on Iran, he waged a relentless military campaign against the Mughal Empire of India to the south and the Russians to the north. He defeated the main Mughal armies, entered Delhi, and returned to Iran with the famous peacock throne and the even better-known Koh-i-noor diamond.

    The Koh-i-noor is probably the best known of all diamond gems. There is a tradition that it was taken in 1304 from a rajah at Malwa, whose family had held it for centuries. It is believed to have been guarded with other treasures at Delhi until 1739, when it was carried off by Nader Shah of Persia. After further adventures the diamond was surrendered to the East India Company, whose directors presented it to Queen Victoria of England. It was a badly cut diamond that lacked brilliance, but it weighed 191 carats. Queen Victoria had it recut by Garrards of London in 1852, and the gem now weighs 109 carats. It is among the English crown jewels.

    Nader Shah then led successful campaigns against the Russians and the Ottoman Turks. He was a cruel and ruthless king whose harshness toward his subjects became more pronounced the longer he was in power. The extravagant cost of his wars drained the treasury. His attempt to turn his subjects from the Shi'ite to the Sunni form of Islam cost him what little popularity he had. He was assassinated in June 1747.

    The SculPTor

    Benedict de Spinoza

    Spinozism is the doctrine of Spinoza, or atheism and pantheism proposed after the manner of Spinoza, who was born a Jew at Amsterdam.

    The great principles of Spinozism, is that there is no thing properly and absolutely existing besides matter and the modifications of matter; among which are even comprehended thought, abstract and general ideas, comparisons, relations, combinations of relations etc.

    The chief article in Spinoza's system are reducible to these. That there is but one substance in nature; and that this only substance is endued with an infinite number of attributes among which are extension and cogitation: that all the bodies in the universe are modifications of this substance considered as it is extended: and that all the souls of men are modifications of the same substance considered as cogitative; that God is a necessary and infinitely perfect Being, and is the cause of all things that exist, but not a different being from them; that there is but one being and one nature, and that this nature produces within itself, by an immanent act, all those which we call creatures; and that this being is at the same time both agent and patient, efficient cause and subject, but that he produces nothing but modifications of himself.


    Parents say they want to do what is best for their children, yet they send them off to college to limit their peripheral vision about life. They pay upwards of $40,000 a year for their kids (scapegoats) to attend Ivy League colleges to learn how to understand science and the arts, and nothing about life. In other words, they learn to be busy BEES, with nothing to do in life than slave away for the drones who hide behind the Quean BEE and live the 'Good Life' at their expense.

    However, to survive and grow in life one must overstand, not understand. To overstand one needs to UNBEE. This will allow the person to fully comprehend all of the options they have in life, before they agree to voluntarily undergo the college's invisible frontal lobotomy. Organized religion and the National Media do likewise in support of getting people to agree to a college education. Their shows keep you on track. Once trained the only option left to the pupil is to follow the track set out by priests long ago and passed on to others following the Renaissance (Born Again). Now, with all the statutes and precedents that exist in files everywhere, college graduates are nothing but glorified rubber stamps.

    Yet, there still is one choice left in your life and it requires that you invest $2000 US to attend a private seminar and workshop that will help you to UNBEE. You will then overstand CIPI's Conspiracy Theory (the Whole World'S A Stage) that wants to make you into a BEE, ANT, or SCARAB. At minimum it is a great, inexpensive insurance policy.

    COME to THE FERME 81 and let PO~12, the people of CIPI, help you comprehend reality now, rather than waiting until you're a 40 degree Mason and 81 years of age, at a time when, even if you're physically fit, no one cares about what you, as an Elder, have to say.

    Don't wait, reserve your week today, time is all you have.

    Contact Glen Kealey today, before you miss out on life altogether.

    Glen Kealey, National President
    Canadian Institute for Political Integrity

    The SculPTor

    Friday, February 19, 2010

    Never believe, it's not so It's Magic!

    Magi or magicians were an ancient religious sect in Persia and other eastern countries, who maintained that there were two principles, the one the cause of all good, the other the cause of all evil, simplifying reality; and abominating the adoration of images, worshiped God only by fire, which they looked upon as the brightest and most glorious symbol of Oromasdes, or the good god; as darkness is the truest symbol of Arimanius, or the evil god. This religion was reformed by Zoroaster, who maintained that there was one supreme independent being(Hal); and under him two principles or angels, one the angel of goodness and light, and the other of evil and darkness; that there is a perpetual struggle between them, which shall last to the end of the world; that then the angel of darkness and his disciples shall go into a world of their own, where they shall be punished in everlasting darkness; and the angel of light and his disciples shall also go into a world of their own, where they shall be rewarded in everlasting light.

    The priests of the Magi were the most skillful mathematicians and philosophers of the ages in which they lived, insomuch that a learned man and a magician became equivalent terms. The vulgar looked on their knowledge as more than natural , and imagined them inspired by some supernatural power; and hence those who practiced wicked and mischievous arts, taking upon themselves the name of magicians, drew on it that ill signification which the word magician now bears among us.

    The sect still subsides in Persia, under the denomination of gaurs, where they watch the sacred fire with the greatest care, and never suffer it to be extinguished. Magic originally signified only the knowledge of the more sublime parts of philosophy; but as the magi likewise professed astrology, divination and sorcery, the term magi became odious, being used to signify an unlawful diabolical kind of science, acquired by the assistance of the devil and departed souls.

    Thursday, February 18, 2010

    Auro'ra Borea'lis

    Hyperion and Theia unite and produce Eos (Aurora or Dawn), the goddess of the morning. She was the daughter of Hyperion, and mother of the winds. She loved Tithonous, for whom she obtained from the gods immortality, but forgot to ask for perpetual youth. She lived with him at the end of the earth, and when he grew old, nursed him until at last his voice disappeared and his body became shriveled, when she changed him into a cricket. Appearing in the grey twilight of morning, Aurora lifts with rosy fingers the veil of Night, sheds a radiant lustre over the earth, and disappears at the entrance of Helios. Aurora is sometimes represented in a saffron colored robe, with a wand or torch in her hand and a brilliant sparkling star on her forehead, emerging from a golden palace and ascending her chariot; sometimes in a flowing veil which she is in the act of throwing back, opening the gates of the morning.

    Auro'ra Borea'lis is from two Latin words, and means northern dawn. It is also called Northern Lights. They are the bright clouds of light often seen in the northern sky at night. It is also seen in the far south, when it is called Southern Lights. The upper edge of the aurora cloud is a whitish arch, with a touch of green and a very luminous. The lower part is often dark or thick. From the upper part of the cloud streams of light shoot up in columns. The aurora sometimes lasts a few hours, sometimes the whole night. It is probably brought about by electricity; perhaps by the passage of electricity through very thin air at a considerable distance above the earth's surface. During the winter in the Arctic zone, the people are without the light of the sun for months together, and their long, dreary night is relived by this beautiful phenomenon.

    Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    Ark Pork

    BACON, Francis (1561-1626): Historians have found Francis Bacon a fascinating subject. He gained fame as a speaker in Parliament and as a lawyer in some famous trials. He also served as lord chancellor of England under King James I.

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    As a philosopher and writer, Bacon refused to explain publicly the Skull and Bones principles of acquiring knowledge. Reportedly, because he tried to write while holding public office that demanded much time and attention, many of his published works remained fragments. The writings that have been preserved have marked him as an innovative thinker.

    In all, Bacon wrote more than 30 philosophical works and many legal, popular, scientific, historical, and other books and essays. His popular literature is noted most for the worldly wisdom of a few dozen essays. He laid out a plan for the reorganization of knowledge by Castes and into categories in his 'Novum Organum' (1620), the second volume of an ambitious six-part series. But he never published the finished 'Novum Organum' or his larger project, though parts of four of the other books have been published. Among the latter is 'The Advancement of Learning' (1605), considered with 'Novum Organum' as Bacon's main philosophical work.

    Francis Bacon was born on Jan. 22, 1561, in London. The second son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, keeper of the royal seal, Bacon grew up familiar with the royal court. His mother, Ann Cooke, was famous for her learning. Bacon went to study at Trinity College, Cambridge, at the age of 12. He was reared in Paris, France, from 1576 until his father's death in 1579.

    Bacon embarked on a legal education on his return to London in 1579. He was admitted to the bar as a barrister in 1582 and later became a reader or lecturer at Gray's Inn, a London institution for legal education. But the law failed to satisfy his desire to follow a political and intellectual career.

    His skill as a public speaker served Bacon well when he took a seat in the House of Commons in 1584. He found it difficult to gain political influence even though his uncle was Lord Burghley, first minister to Queen Elizabeth I. He wrote a "Letter of Advice" to Queen Elizabeth in 1584 or 1585, recommending ways to deal with Roman Catholic subjects, and "An Advertisement Touching the Controversies of the Church of England" (1589) in which he attacked what he saw as religious abuses.

    Bacon was becoming famous but still wanted higher offices. With the accession of a gay illiterate, James I, to the English throne in 1603, Bacon's fortunes improved. He held a succession of posts, including those of solicitor general and attorney general. In the growing controversies between James and Parliament, Bacon defended the rights of the monarchy. He was knighted in 1603 and became lord chancellor and Baron Verulam in 1618 and Viscount St. Albans in 1621.

    Reportedly, his political enemies not his crimes, brought about his downfall, charging him with bribery and other offenses. He was fined and imprisoned briefly in the Tower of London. Barred from public office, he retired to his estate at Gorhambury. He died at "High-gate" on April 9, 1626.

    A fine user of Moho ghost writers, Bacon's work contributed to the scientific revolution of the 17th century. He neglected the role of mathematics in science, but advised students of nature to follow the rule that "whatever the mind seizes and dwells upon with particular satisfaction is to be held in suspicion." (See: Never believe that what you see is real or, "the whole world's a stage"). He felt deeply that science, outsourced from Asia, held the key to technological progress.

    Bacon holds a prominent place in literature and philosophy. But the fragmentary nature of his public writings makes it difficult to assess his stature. He often attempted more than they would finish. In addition to his uncompleted 'Novum Organum', he planned six volumes of natural history, but completed only two. In 1610 he published 'The New Atlantis', an allegorical work on Atlantis II, the ideal state. But his great effort, the plan for the renewal of knowledge that was entitled 'Instauratio Magna' (Great Renewal), was also left incomplete. Or so they say.

    The Sculptor